Administration Support Officer – Education
- Based in Dili, Timor-Leste
- 1 Year contract, with possibility of extension
The Program
The Australia Timor-Leste Partnership for Human Development (PHD) supports the Government of Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 and reflects Australia’s commitment to work in partnership with Timor-Leste to enhance human development over the next decade. PHD’s vision is to support the people and Government of Timor-Leste to build and sustain healthy, educated and prosperous individuals and communities, who live with dignity and determine their own future. PHD brings together, under one program, what were previously eight separate Australian Government investments in health, education, sanitation, water, nutrition, gender equality, disability and social protection.
The Position
The Administration Support Officer – Education will provide broad administrative support to senior members of the Education Sector team including the Professional Learning and Mentoring Program (PLMP). This role will provide assistance to the Technical Lead Education and Senior Coordinator PLMP on day to day operations, as well as providing support to the Program Researcher and Logistics Support Officer on coordinating PLMP events as may be required.
The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Administrative & Support and having worked in a Program operating environment would be desirable but not essential. This position is available for 1 year contract duration with possibility of extension based on individual performance, approval of program budget and alignment with ongoing program work plan.
For further information and how to apply:
A detailed position description can be viewed online via this link
Applications can be lodged through PHD Human Resources email [email protected] – please insert the job title in the email subject heading. All applications to include a current CV and cover letter.
Closing date: Friday, 9th June 2017 (11pm Timor-Leste)
Abt Associates is a recognised leader in the international development sector. Working with our many partners, Abt Associates implements bold innovative solutions to improve the lives of the community and deliver valued outcomes for our clients. We provide a comprehensive range of services from policy to service delivery in the public and private sectors contributing to long term benefits for clients and communities. Operating in remote and challenging environments, we offer innovative solutions, extensive experience in the region, strong technical capacity, and a proven project management track record. We are committed to gender equity in our employment strategies and encourage applications from capable women. Abt Associates is a child safe organisation and promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
Ofisiál Apoiu Administrasaun – Edukasaun
- Fatin iha Dili, Timor-Leste
- Kontratu tinan 1, ho posibilidade ba estensaun
Programa Parseria ba Dezenvolvimentu Umanu (PHD) entre Governu Austrália no Timor-Leste sei apoia implementasaun Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratéjiku 2011 – 2030 Governu Timor-Leste nian no refleta mós Austrália nia kompromisu atu serbisu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste. Objetivu prinsipál hosi PHD mak atu hadi’ak dezenvolvimentu umanu iha tinan sanulu nia laran ho vizaun atu apoia povu no Governu Timor-Leste hodi harii no sustenta indivíduu no komunidade ne’ebé saudável, iha edukasaun di’ak no iha prosperidade; moris ho dignu no bele determina rasik sira-nia futuru. PHD sei koordena implementasaun no interasaun integrada ba programa hosi setór ualu ne’ebé uluk implementa keta-ketak iha área saúde, edukasaun, saneamentu, bee, nutrisaun, igualdade jéneru, defisiénsia no protesaun sosiál.
Ofisiál Apoiu Administrasaun – Edukasaun sei fó apoiu administrativu ne’ebé luan ba membru seniór sira hosi ekipa Setór Edukasaun inklui Programa Aprendizajen no Akompañamentu Profisionál (PLMP). Knaar ida-ne’e sei fó asisténsia ba Xefe Téknika ba Edukasaun no Koordenadór Seniór PLMP iha operasaun loro-loron nian, nune’e mós fó apoiu ba Ofisiál Peskizadór no Lojístika Programa kona-ba koordenasaun eventu sira PLMP nian bainhira haruka.
Kandidatu ne’ebé ideál sei iha esperiénsia boot kona-ba Administrasaun & Apoiu no hakarak ema ne’ebé serbisu ona iha ambiénte operasaun Programa ida maibé la esensiál. Pozisaun ne’e disponivel ba durasaun kontratu tinan 1 ho posibilidade ba estensaun bazeia ba dezempeñu individuál, aprovasaun ba orsamentu programa no aliñamentu ho planu serbisu ba programa ne’ebé la’o hela.
Informasaun Liután & Oinsá atu Hatama Rekerimentu:
Deskrisaun detallada ba prozisaun ida-ne’e bele haree online iha
Rekerimentus bele mós haruka liuhosi email ba [email protected] favór hakerek títulu pozisaun iha email nia Subject. Rekerimentu hotu-hotu tenke inklui CV atuál.
Data rekerimentu taka: Sexta, 9 Juñu 2017 (kalan – tuku 11 OTL)
Abt Associates
Abt Associates mak lider rekoñesidu ida iha setór dezenvolvimentu internasionál. Serbisu ho ami-nia parseiru barak, Abt Associates implementa solusaun inovadora brani nian hodi hadi’ak komunidade sira-nia moris no entrega rezultadu valorizadu sira ba ami-nia klientes. Ami fornese servisu kompreensivu lubuk ida hosi polítika ba prestasaun servisu iha setór públiku no privadu sira kontribui ba benefísiu tempu-naruk ba kliente no komunidade sira. Halo operasaun iha ambiente remotas no susar, ami oferese esperiénsia boot iha rejiaun ne’e, kapasidade téknika forte, no iha rekorde jestaun projetu ne’ebé komprovadu. Ami komprometidu ba igualdade jéneru iha ami-nia estratéjia empregu no enkoraja rekerimentus hosi feto sira ho kapasidade. Abt Associates nu’udar organizasaun ida-ne’ebé seguru ba labarik no promove seguransa, rahun-di’ak no inkluzaun ba labarik hotu-hotu.
Human Resource | Partnership for Human Development
1st Lane, Block E01-12, Palm Business & Trade Center
Surik Mas, Fatumeta Bairro-Pite, Dili, Timor-Leste
E: [email protected] |
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